Department of Computer Science,
Specialization : IoT in healthcare
Duy Tan University,
Dr. Anand Nayyar (Academician, Researcher, Author, Writer, Inventor, Innovator, Scientist, Consultant and Orator) received MCA from Punjabi University, Patiala in 2008 with Gold Medal and Distinction, MBA (Information Systems) with 1st Division from Sikkim Manipal University, Manipal. Ph.D. in Computer Science from Desh Bhagat University, Mandi Gobindgarh in 2017 in Wireless Sensor Networks, Swarm Intelligence, and Network Simulation.
75+ International & Globally Recognized Professional Certifications from various IT Giants.
Published 127+ Research Papers in various International Referred Journals (Scopus, SCI/SCIE/SSCI) with High Impact Factor, published 50+ papers in International Conferences indexed in Springer, IEEE Xplore and ACM Digital Library, 40+ Book Chapters and 75+ Articles in Reputed IT Magazines like Open Source for You and Electronics for You. Published 40+ Authored/Edited Books in Computer Science. Acting as Technical Programme/Organizing/ Advisory/ Reviewer Committee Member for 500+ National and International Conferences across the world.
18+ Years of Teaching and Research Experience. Currently working as Assistant Professor, Scientist, Vice-Chairman (Research), Director (IoT and Intelligent Systems Lab) in School of Computer Science, Duy Tan University, Da Nang, Vietnam.
He has guided 2 M.S., 7 M. Tech (5=CSE) & (2=ECE) students and 30 MCA students for thesis and projects respectively. Currently, 1 Ph.D. Student is working under his guidance. Evaluated 22 Ph.D. Thesis.
Associate Editor for more than 10+ SCI/SCIE/SCOPUS Journals. Acting as Editor in Chief for IGI-Global Journal titled “International Journal of Smart Vehicles and Smart Transportation (IJSVST)”.
Intellectual Property Rights: 11 Australian Patents, 6 Indian Design, 1 Indian Utility Patent, 3 Indian Copyrights, 2 Canadian Copyrights.
He has acted as Session Chair and Session Co-Chair in more than 100 National and International Conferences and also 100+ National/International Conferences as Keynote Speaker.
He is member of 50+ Research Organizations on grade of Senior/Life/Associate. 33+ Awards for Teaching, Research, Innovation and Scientist Activities. Oriented 250+ Videos on YouTube on his Channel: Gyaan with Anand Nayyar.
He is currently working in the area of Wireless Sensor Networks, Swarm Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Wireless Communications, Cyber Security, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Smart Cities, Big Data Analytics and Data Science, Intelligent Systems, Drones, Network Simulation, Software Engineering and many more.